Q u i z M a s t er What is it ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^ QuizMaster is a fully functional question management system written in MicroSoft Access v2.0. It was written partly because I needed such a system and partly to show how various techniques could be used in MicroSoft Access. The result is both a working quiz question manager and a source of (hopefully) useful code and examples that those learning access can use to their advantage. I hope that you get as much from this as I was able to glean from similar programs when I was but a novice. FreeWare ^^^^^^^^ The program has been placed in the Public Domain which means that while I retain the copyright you are free to use, modify and steal bits of code and ideas from it providing that you do not re-sell the program or otherwise use it for personal gain. The program is not protected or encrypted in any way. Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ You need a PC running Access 2 or Access95 What will it cost me ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Absolutly NOTHING. All I ask is that if you use the program to manage your own quiz questions you email me a copy of your questions so that I can build up my own question database. If I get enough respose then it may be possible to set up a 'question swopping service' - but that depends on you. Contact ^^^^^^^ Please email copies of your questions and any other useful and constructive comments to 101473.3206@CompuServe.Com Enjoy